Functional Analysis Seminar

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Date: October 24, 2006

Claremont McKenna College's Mathematics Department will begin its second year of hosting the Southern California Functional Analysis Seminars. This year's first seminar will take place from 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 28 in the Davidson Lecture Hall.

Guest speakers include Stephan Garcia, assistant professor of mathematics at Pomona College (Complex Symmetric Operators; 2-3 p.m.) and Nikolai Makarov, professor of mathematics at Caltech (Beurling-Malliavin Theory for Sub-exponential and Super-exponential Growth; 3:30-4:30 p.m.).

Sessions are open to the public; refreshments will be served.

Abstracts for each lecture may be found at: Complex Symmetric Operators or Beurling-Malliavin Theory For Sub-Exponential And Super-Exponential Growth.

For more information, contact professor of mathematics Asuman Aksoy, 909-607-2769, or