Supervisor's Guide

The purpose of this program is to provide students with part-time employment opportunities for those who have been awarded work-study funding. There are a variety of reasons students may have the desire to work: to help finance their education, to cover personal expenses, to gain valuable and satisfying work experience and to develop time management, research, library, computer, or communication skills. A portion of student wages are paid from the work-study program funds and a portion by Claremont McKenna College. Therefore, the Office of Financial Aid places accountability upon the work-study supervisor for participation in the program, including the hiring of the student, approving time sheets, etc.

Before selecting a student, you must:

  • Make sure you have updated the job description with Handshake. Job descriptions are provided by the supervisor and necessary in order to be in compliance with federal regulations and to continue to receive annual funding. Do not forfeit this opportunity to receive federal funding.

After selecting the student you would like to hire, you must:

  • Verify with the Office of Financial Aid that a student is work-study eligible, and has been awarded work-study funds.
  • Submit a Personnel Action Form (PAF) for every student you hire to the Payroll Office. The department supervisor who signs the PAF must be the same person who will approve the student's time sheet. The Payroll Office will also provide the supervisor with the correct Workday Worktags.
  • Have the student submit the appropriate forms as detailed here.

The CMC Office of Financial Aid places certain expectations upon all supervisors who participate in the work-study program. The supervisors must be willing to undertake the following responsibilities and perform the following duties:

  1. Supervisors are responsible for providing accurate and current job descriptions for each work-study position available in their department on the Handshake database administrated by Career Services
  2. Supervisors are responsible for keeping an accurate daily account of hours worked by each student employee. It is a violation of the state & federal labor laws not to pay employees in a timely manner. Therefore, it is important that student hours are submitted online according to the CMC student payroll schedule.
  3. It is strongly recommended that students work no more than 20 hours per week. Never submit hours worked with more than eight (8) hours recorded in one day or (40) hours in one week. It is required that students who work more than five (5) hours take at least a half-hour break. Additionally, a student cannot work more than six (6) consecutive days.
  4. The supervisor is responsible for dealing directly with a student's work-related problems. Each student must be assigned to a supervisor who would be responsible for all communications relating to the student's job.
  5. A supervisor who hires a work-study student shares responsibility with the student to monitor their earnings.
  6. It is the supervisor's responsibility to submit the Personnel Action Form at least 24 hours before the start date of employment, unless other arrangements have been made.
  7. Supervisors are accountable for the hours their students report under the work-study program. It is your responsibility to make sure that all hours are being reported correctly and accurately before approving the hours online.
  1. All off-campus contracts are renewable the beginning of every academic year. Off-campus contracts have an effective date of September 1 to May 31.
  2. Off-campus contracts must be signed and returned to the Office of Financial Aid before the student(s) may begin working.
  3. The Office of Financial Aid will bill each off-campus department at the end of the academic year for a percentage of the student wages, plus worker's compensation.
  4. Off-campus departments will direct payment for their portion of student wages, plus worker's compensation as instructed on their annual invoice.

How do I know if a student can be employed through the work-study program?
Check with the Office of Financial Aid for eligible students.

What form does my department need to complete and submit to hire a new student or to rehire a prior work-study student?
A Personnel Action Form (PAF) must be completed and submitted to the Payroll Office once you confirm student eligibility from the Office of Financial Aid.

What is the maximum number of hours that a work-study student may work on a specific day?
8 hours, not including at least a half-hour lunch.

What happens if a time sheet does not adhere to the required stipulations noted in the Supervisor Guide?
The time sheet will not be processed until the student and or supervisor fix the problem.

What is the maximum number of hours that a work-study student may work in a week?
We strongly recommend that students work no more than 20 hours in a week. Remember, the student's number one goal at CMC should be their education and not their work experience.

When are time sheets due?
Please refer to the Payroll Schedule found on the Payroll Resources page.

What happens if a student forgets to submit hours for the pay period?
If the hours worked are from the previous academic year, you will need to pay the student out to your department budget.

What should I do if I have other payroll related questions?
Please reach out to the Payroll Office.

How do I give a work-study student a raise?
Submit a new complete Personnel Action Form (PAF) to the Payroll Office.

When does the Personnel Action Form need to be submitted?
All PAFs should be submitted at least 24 hours before activation.