Joshua Rosett, Ph.D.
Areas of Expertise
B.A. Economics, University of Chicago; M.A. Economics, Princeton University; Ph.D. Economics, Princeton University
Awards and Affiliations
BSM Teacher Honor Roll, Fall Semester 2002 at A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University.
Research and Publications
With Zhaoyang Gu, Jevons Lee, and Joshua G. Rosett. “What Determines the Variability of Accounting Accruals?” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol. 24 No. 3 (May 2005), 313-334.
Jain, Prem and Joshua G. Rosett “Macroeconomic Variables and the E/P Ratio: Is Inflation Really Positively Associated with the E/P Ratio?,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol. 27 (2006).
"Equity Risk and the Labor Stock: The Case of Union Contracts," Journal of Accounting Research, 39 (2001), 337-364.
With Ernie Berndt and Zvi Griliches "Auditing the Producer Price Index: Micro Evidence from Prescription Pharmaceutical Preparations," Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 11 (1993), 251-264.
"Do Union Wealth Concessions Explain Takeover Premiums? The Evidence on Contract Wages," Journal of Financial Economics, 27 (1990), 263-282.
“Labor Leverage, Equity Risk, and Corporate Policy Choice,” European Accounting Review, 12: 4 (2003), 699-732.
Kliger, Doron, Yaron Raviv, Joshua Rosett, Thomas Bayer, and John Page. December 2015. "Seasonal Affective Disorder and Seasoned Art Auction Prices: New Evidence from Old Masters." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Vol. 59: 74-84.
Rosett, Joshua and Richard Smith. 2014. "Are Public Equity Markets Declining in Importance?" Journal of Applied Finance Vol. 24 No. 1: 6-13.
Batta, George, Ananda Ganguly and Joshua Rosett. June 2014. "Disclosure-derived Financial Statement Adjustments in Equity Valuation." Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies Vol. 17 Issue 2.
Batta, George, Ananda Ganguly and Joshua Rosett. 2014. "Financial Statement Recasting and Credit Risk Assessment." Accounting and Finance Vol. 54 No. 1: 47-82.
Bayer, Thomas, John Page, Yaron Raviv and Joshua Rosett. 2013. "Age, Human Capital and the Quality of Work: New Evidence from Old Masters." The Berkeley; Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy Vol. 13 No. 2: 687-708.