Center for Global Education

A CMC study abroad student enjoys a view of the mountains while studying

Leadership in a global society requires a global education. Whether it is a semester abroad, an immersive internship in politics or entrepreneurship, an international research project or an international academic travel program, you will come away with experiences that will change the way you see your world – and yourself.

The Center for Global Education (CMC Center Court, Mod B) is the place to start. With hundreds of opportunities – some designed especially for CMC students – we can help you find a program that fits your interests, enhances your on-campus education and opens doors for your future.

In the Center for Global Education, we believe that academic opportunities to discover, familiarize, and engage with other citizens and cultures challenge our students to rethink the way they look at the world. Through academic coursework and internships both in the U.S. and abroad, off-campus study can enhance a student's ability to cultivate respect and understanding of self and of others, while learning the skills necessary to become global leaders.

Explore the different global experiences available to CMC students through our website, and come talk to us. Don’t miss your chance. The world is waiting for you…

The Center for Global Education serves Claremont McKenna College through:

  • Managing a portfolio of domestic and worldwide academic programs
  • Working directly with students in both group and individual settings to ensure student academic, professional and personal goals can be accomplished through the selected off-campus study programs
  • Supporting students through the global education process of applying, preparing, arriving, adjusting, concluding and returning to Claremont
  • Offering excellent mentoring and advising services for undergraduate and post-graduate fellowships, scholarships, and national awards.

The Center reports to the Dean of the Faculty and manages the following programs:

Lea Harper

Assistant Director, Center for Global Education

Yi Shun Lai ’96

Assistant Director of Fellowships Advising