
We hope that your study abroad experience is everything that you dream of.  Please come see us and tell us all about your experiences as we help you through the readjustment process.  We would love to hear all about your once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Further Reading and Internet Resources

Content Credits

We would like to give special thanks to the following for their contribution to this guide:

  • College of the Holy Cross, Office of Study Abroad (content for Host Family Guidelines section)
  • University of Florida, UF International Center (content for Food and Water and Tipping sections)
  • Middlebury College, International Programs and Off-Campus Study (content for Cross-Cultural Issues section)
  • Colorado State University, Office of International Programs (content for Cross-Cultural Issues section).
  • Dr. Bruce La Brack, School of International Studies, University of the Pacific, for the Institute of International Education (content for Re-adjusting section)
  • University of the Pacific, School of International Studies.  What’s Up with Culture?