Halloween Roundup

CMS Logo carved onto a pumpkinTime for sweets and scares. The 5Cs are a great place for families around Halloween time. Activities this year, open to staff and faculty families, range from costumed trick-or-treating at the CMC student apartments and neighboring Pitzer College, to a haunted house in McKenna Auditorium. For CMC students, fun will come with tonight's activities, which include a trip to Knott's Scary Farm, where fully ripened, infected zombies and evil clowns (not to mention the Green Witch, who is back with a vengeance) make grown men cry. October 25 (9pm - 12:30am) ASCMC/College Program Board are sponsoring a Haunted House in McKenna Auditorium October 25 (6pm Midnight) College Program Board is sponsoring a trip to Knott's Scary Farm October 26 (4pm 6pm) CCE (Center for Civic Engagement) is sponsoring trick-or-treating at the student apartments on Sixth Street and Claremont Blvd. Faculty and staff families are invited for candy and activities. October 27 (7pm 10pm) College Program Board is sponsoring a Henna Tattoo artist/party in McKenna Auditorium October 28 (3pm - 5pm) Pumpkin Carving at Pitzer's W.E. Hall Courtyard



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