Relay for Life

Cancer is a topic rarely talked about in our community and yet many students and faculty know someone who has been affected by the disease. Relay for Life is coming to the Claremont Colleges to provide an opportunity for us to support those who are affected by the life-changing disease.
Relay for Life is a significant event that helps communities across the globe celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remembered loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. Clubs, dorms, organizations and individuals from across the five Claremont Colleges are beginning to form teams. For 24 hours, teams will camp out around a track while members take turns walking around the track for the duration of the event. This gives participants a chance to work together, support each other and fundraise to help create a world where this disease will no longer threaten the lives of our loved ones or claim another year of anyone's life.

This year it will be held Friday, April 27 to Saturday, April 28 from 12:00p.m. to 12:00p.m on the Strehle Track at Pomona College.

After dark, the Luminaria Ceremony takes place, giving attendees the chance to honor people who have been touched by cancer and remember loved ones lost to the disease. During this ceremony, candles are lit inside paper bags, each one bearing the name of a person impacted by cancer. Luminaria bags can be purchased for $5 to honor someone you know that has been affected by the disease. The $5 cost of a bag is a direct donation to the American Cancer Society, helping to make strides forward in the fight against cancer.

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