Update from President Hiram E. Chodosh on the campus resource center, free speech, computer science, and the Student Opportunities Center

Dear CMC Community:

Congratulations to our students and faculty on the conclusion of an intensely challenging and remarkably successful academic year!

Last Saturday, we celebrated our 69th Commencement. Gorgeous weather, the new Roberts Pavilion, and the installation of Chris Burden's Meet in the Middle provided the perfect setting. The ceremony featured equally engaging and moving presentations. We reflected, we laughed, and we cheered as our outstanding graduates of 2016 crossed this important threshold.

Our Board of Trustees also concluded the academic year with several key approvals and commitments to:

  • the establishment of an open campus resource center, designed to concentrate expertise (faculty, student affairs, counseling, student fellows) and programming (forums, workshops, difficult conversations, reading groups) in order to support all of our students, to understand the social identities that separate us, to transcend those divisions through direct dialogue and joint action, and to bring our tight-knit community even closer together;
  • the adoption of the University of Chicago Statement on Principles of Free Expression as a formal reinforcement of a similar faculty resolution in March 2015 and our institutional commitment to freedom of speech, academic freedom, and free inquiry in both policy and action;
  • the further exploration and development of an integrated and interdisciplinary computer science strategy for the College in order to expose and educate all students about the applications of computational technology in each major area of study, from economics to public policy, from science to the humanities;
  • the creation of the Center for Student Opportunities, which will create a new, open venue for students to engage, receive advice and mentorship, and explore how their interests translate into real world opportunities both on campus and off, in summer internships and in the post-graduate years.

These important steps punctuate the many accomplishments of this past year. We surpassed our initial fundraising goal for the Student Imperative, bringing in more than $100 million for scholarships and financial aid within two years. Our men's golf team won its first national title, and Model UN won its second consecutive world championship. These exciting milestones and many more await the dynamic entering class of 2020.

As we restore and recharge, we thank you all for your invaluable support and wish you and yours a restful and enjoyable summer.

Very best,

