October 2, 2023

Prof. Pitney was quoted in an Associated Press piece on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s temporary appointment of Laphonza Butler, a former union leader and Democratic insider for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s vacant seat. He shared, in reference to the Governor’s choice, “…a comfort level is important. Any governor might be a little hesitant about somebody with too many degrees of separation.”

October 2, 2023

Prof. Minxin Pei was quoted in an article on China’s president, Xi Jinping and the question of whether or not he is currently weak or powerful. Prof. Pei shared, “…objectively speaking, Xi is not doing well. But in terms of his control of the levers of power, he remains unassailable. He is not acting out of strength, but out of insecurity. You can have a leader who faces no real threat but nevertheless behaves as if he is in danger.”

September 30, 2023

Prof. Andrew Busch was quoted in a piece on the topic of consequential deaths in Congress in light of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s death. He shared insight on the 1930 midterm elections, in which Republicans narrowly won. However, with the deaths of 14 representatives-elect, the Democrats were able to flip the House, which, according to Prof. Busch, “…established the groundwork for the New Deal.”

September 29, 2023

Prof. Jack Pitney was quoted in a piece about Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s approach to avoid a government shutdown. He stated, “The calculation would be that Democrats dislike him but they would dislike his successor even more. That would be a bold, risky move that would be very much out of character for Kevin McCarthy. But that’s the only path forward that I see where he actually comes out looking good. He might survive. But survival is a relative term. He’ll be spoiled goods.”