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Student Resources

New Student Registration/Accommodation Request

  1. Any CMC student who is requesting accommodations, if they are a first year or returning student, should complete New Student Registration, which allows them to complete the Accommodations Request Process
  2. Once a student has completed New Student Registration on the AIM portal, they will be able to upload documentation from their provider.
  3. A student's request and documentation will be reviewed and they will be notified if the documentation is complete, or if further information is required. Please note during the academic year (Fall & Spring) it may take up to 15 business days (excluding campus closures and holidays) for submitted materials to be reviewed.
  4. As part of our interactive process, we ask to meet with each student to learn more about how our office can help provide equal access for them. Meeting are usually hosted via Zoom.
  5. Once eligibility of accommodations is established, the student will be able to view their accommodations on the AIM portal. Each semester, students must request their academic accommodations to renew them for the semester and to notify their faculty.
  6. If you would like to meet with a staff member to discuss your eligible accommodation(s), please email accessibilityservices@cmc.edu or call 909-607-0316 to speak with Ari Martinez, Associate Director of Accessibility Services.
  1. After a student requesting accommodations has completed "New Student Registration" they can use the AIM Portal link to continue the process.
    1. Students can submit current documentation which outlines their disability and recommendations for how to achieve equal access.
    2. Request Academic accommodation letters
      1. Each semester, a student should login to their AIM portal to request their academic accommodation letters and send them to their faculty members.
      2. Students have the opportunity to modify their accommodation letters for each course based on their needs. 
        1. For example, if a student has "Alternative Text Format" as an accommodation, they may decide to not include that in an email to their PE professor as it is not relevant to the course.
    3. Request new accommodations
      1. If a student has a new diagnosis or a change in needs, they can request accommodations through their AIM portal by submitting an "Additional Request Form."
    4. Check eligibility
      1. Students can check their eligibility for accommodations on their AIM portal. "Eligibility" signifies that a student has been approved for that accommodation and can utilize it.
  2. Sign Into the AIM Portal
  1. CMC Accommodations are managed through the AIM Portal. All eligibility for accommodations and requests each semester are administered through this platform.
  2. All students must use their @cmc.edu email addresses on the AIM Portal.
  3. CMC students who receive academic accommodation letters are responsible for sending their letters to their current faculty members each semester. They can send the accommodation letters through the AIM portal. In order for an academic accommodation to be used, the student must send their accommodation letter to their faculty member. The faculty member must be given sufficient notice in order to put the appropriate accommodation in place. CMC students have the option to not send their accommodation letters to faculty if the access they need is already integrated into the course, making the accommodation irrelevant. This notification is meant to serve as a starting point in your discussions with your professors and will not identify your specific disability. Rather, it will note that you are eligible to receive accommodations as a result of a documented disability and will list your accommodation(s).
  4. All CMC students are encouraged to develop relationships with their professors. Students who receive academic accommodations are encouraged to have a conversation with their faculty member upon sending their accommodation letter to ensure the student understands access to their class. For example, a faculty member may have a student with extended time come early to begin their exam, while another faculty member may request that a student take their exam at the Student Disability Resource Center to allow for the additional time.
  5. We recommend to all students to send their accommodation letters at the beginning of the semester so as to open a line of communication between the student and the faculty member as they move through the course. If a student has accommodations but do not need to access them for a particular course, the student is not required to send the notification to that faculty member. If the use of the accommodation is relevant later on during the course, the student is able to notify their faculty member via their accommodation letter. Sufficient notice must be provided to apply the accommodations. Therefore, we recommend to all students with accommodations that they send their letters regardless of the course. Accommodations cannot be applied retroactively.
  6. If the eligible accommodations are no longer relevant, as a diagnosis may have changed, the student must contact accessibilityservices@cmc.edu indicating that they no longer require some or all of the approved accommodations. The student's accommodation letter and/or file will be updated accordingly. Accommodations cannot be applied retroactively.

The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is a shared service working with all seven campuses of the Claremont Colleges. The SDRC is dedicated to assisting campuses with a variety of programs and development opportunities. Programs include Test Proctoring Services, Assistive Technology Loans, Alternative Media Procurement and Development. The SDRC also hosts a variety of workshops each year on topics such as Stress Management, Organization and Time Management.

The CMC Office of Accessibility Services and the Student Disability Resource Center work together to provide comprehensive support to all CMC students with accommodations. Any student seeking accommodations should first work with the CMC Office office of Accessibility to review their documentation and request.

Please visit the SDRC website to learn more. You can also email SDRC@Claremont.edu for additional information or answers to specific questions.

SDRC Fast Facts

How to schedule exams with testing accommodations

Students with testing accommodations have three options for where to take your exams. Once you request your academic accommodation letter, you should notify your faculty and determine the best place to take your assessments. Students cannot utilize their extended time unless they have sent their accommodation letter to their faculty with adequate time prior to the exam. Based on that conversation, the exam format for the class, and your accommodations, choose one of the following options.

  1. Take your exam with your professor/class

    1. Once you have discussed your accommodations with your faculty member(s), you may have find that they are able to accommodate you based upon their class schedule and yours. Testing with your faculty member allows you to be in close proximity for questions throughout the exam. You can schedule these exams with your faculty and do not need to notify Disability Services unless there are any questions. We recommend that you have these conversations as early as possible and set up exams far in advance.

  2. Testing with the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC)

    1. The SDRC is the testing center serving CMC students approved for exams accommodations. They are located in Tranquada Center (across from the library). They are able to proctor exams for any student with verified accommodations.

    2. To schedule an exam with the SDRC, you should

      • Sign-in to the AIM Portal

      • Under My Accommodations section click “Time Extension on Exams/Quizzes

      • Select the class you are submitting an exam request for in the dropdown menu, click “Schedule Exam”

      • Complete the form. On the form, indicate date, time, and test accommodations/technology are needed for the exam. (Please note your instructor does get a copy of the exam scheduling request form, only add dates and times that are approved by the instructor).

      • Read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of scheduling an exam. Then, click “Add Exam Request”. You must schedule your exam 3 business days in advance of the exam.

The SDRC reviews the request and approves the scheduled exam or sends the student a request to reschedule. Once the exam request has been approved, a notification is sent to the student and the instructor. The notification email will include the date, time, and testing location. The SDRC will work with the instructor to obtain instructions and a copy of the exam. After the exam is complete, SDRC facilitates the return of the exam to the instructor.

  • Test-taking services availability is Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. For any questions or concerns, please email sdrc.testing@claremont.edu
  • Keep in mind that this testing center is used by all of the Claremont Colleges so we recommend scheduling early.
  • SDRC is able to proctor night time exams during those course times throughout the academic semester if you provide enough notice.
  • For any questions regarding testing at the SDRC, please email sdrc.testing@claremont.edu or sdrc@cuc.claremont.edu.

For all testing

  • Changes in exam times will only be permitted when extended time conflicts with another course or falls outside of the exam proctoring timeframes.

  • Evening exams will be taken at the SDRC or earlier in the day during CMC testing hours.

Students who utilize text-to-speech software (Kurzweil) and/or require audio versions of required texts can utilize the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) to obtain the necessary materials. See the instructions below for how to request texts.


  1. Complete and submit the SDRC Alt Media Request Form Send SDRC@claremont.edu an email with the subject line “Alternative Text Request”. Alternately, if you're not able to access the form you mayemail the SDRC using the subject line mentioned earlier, and include the following:
    • Title, Edition, Author, and ISBN
  2. The SDRC will either send you the material or upload it directly to the student's Kurzweil account within three business days.
    • ​​The student can maintain the electronic copy.
  3. If the SDRC is not able to locate an accessible copy of your book, they will request that the student provide a physical copy of the book.
    • Expectations:
      • The physical copy of the book must be in good condition. Books that have a lot of handwriting, highlighting, or are waterlogged will not scan well as the text will be obscured in the scanner.
      • To produce an accessible text, the spine of the book will be cut, it will be scanned, and rebound.
        • If the margins of the book are wide enough, they will have a spiral binding.
        • If the margins are narrow, there will be a tape binding so as not to impede the text.
    • The accessible version will either be sent to the student or uploaded directly to their Kurzweil account.
    • The SDRC will email the student to come retrieve the physical copy of the book.
  4. The SDRC is able to digitize any physical materials provided by a faculty member even if they are not a physical book.
  5. Recommendations:
    • The earlier the SDRC receives a request the better as many students request alternative texts in the first few weeks of each semester. Students may experience a slight lag time during these busy periods.
    • If a student has received the syllabus from their professor prior to the start of the semester, they can request the alternative texts at that time.

Students are required to send their academic accommodation letter to their faculty members in order to enact their accommodations. Students will receive their academic accommodation letter at the beginning of every semester. Upon receipt, students should save the PDF of the letter and then send it individually to each of their faculty members. We recommend using this template email to get the communication started.


Initial Coordination of Accommodation Agreement

Dear Professor ______,

My name is ________ and I am a student in your _________ course. I am writing to share my accommodation letter (attached) from the DOS Accessibility Services outlining my approved accommodations and to proactively determine how the accommodations apply in your course.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I have also CC’d the Assistant Dean of Students for Disability Services & Academic Success on this message for reference, or if you have any questions or concerns about the accommodation letter. Thank you.



Many countries do not have comprehensive legislation similar to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These countries may not recognize the special needs which affect individuals with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities. If you have a disability that might impact your experience abroad, you are well advised to discuss it with the Assistant Dean of Students for Disability Services & Academic Success before departure. Together, you can develop a treatment plan and partner with the Off-Campus Study staff to ensure you are well supported while abroad/away. Contact AccessibilityServices@cmc.edu if you would like to have your accommodation information shared with the Office of Off-Campus Study to assist you in this discussion.

Welcome to Accessibility Services at CMC! Throughout your time as a student, we are here to support you through your process and help you navigate your college experience. The Assistant Dean of Students for Accessibility Services and Student Success, Kari Rood, and the rest of the Dean of Students (DOS) team are so excited to work with you. Below we have laid out some of the important legal distinctions between K-12 accessibility services, and what you can expect at CMC. We advise you to look these over prior to requesting accommodations. Feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns.


Relevant Laws:
Topic K-12 College
Aim of Legislation
  • Goal is to maximize students’ potential to ensure success
  • Colleges must provide qualified individuals with a disability equal access to their programs and activities
    • Academic adjustments
    • Assistive technology
    • Services that do not constitute an undue burden or fundamental alteration of the program or activity
    • Students will only receive necessary supports
  • Student is entitled to free and appropriate public education
  • Public schools receive federal funding to provide remedial and special education services
  • Student must meet all entrance and academic requirements with or without reasonable accommodations
  • School is responsible for identifying, testing, and providing services for students with disabilities
  • Student is identified by the school
  • Colleges are not responsible for identifying individuals with disabilities
  • Students must self-identify
  • School districts are responsible for providing trained personnel to assess eligibility for accommodations and create education plans
  • It is the school’s responsibility to provide for and arrange a formal IEP or 504 plan for a student to receive accommodations
    • Teachers may adjust curriculum based on the IEP or 504 plan
  • Colleges do not provide personnel trained in assessing, diagnosing, and developing education plans for students with disabilities
  • Students do not have to participate in the planning of their IEP or 504 plan
  • Students must locate the Accessibility Services Office, identify themselves, request accommodations, and provide adequate documentation to ensure their accommodations
  • The student is responsible for personal services (arranging and paying for) personal care, medical and related requirements
  • The student must make their own appointments with the Academic Success team for ongoing support
  • For testing accommodations, the student is responsible for scheduling their exams with the appropriate office
Academic Accommodations
  • Students may be assigned designated times in which they are provided instruction by a teacher who is trained in special education, specifically for students with disabilities
  • Colleges provide academic accommodations to meet the documented need of a student with disabilities
  • Accommodations cannot fundamentally alter the educational standards of the coursework or change the course requirements
    • Grades reflect the work submitted
Housing Accommodations
  • Not usually applicable in K-12 Setting
  • College is required to provide students with demonstrated medical needs housing accommodations
    • Examples include, but are not limited to, medical single, air-conditioning, non-carpeted room, or emotional support animal
Parent/Guardian Role
  • Students may have a plan that requires follow up by school staff to inform the student’s parents/guardians of their academic performance
  • A college may not contact the parents/guardians of a student regarding their academic record unless the student gives the college permission to do so. They may ask the student directly or the student may give the college written consent to release their academic information
  • Accessibility: The “ability to access” and benefit from some system or entity.
  • ADA: The Americans With Disabilities Act is the law that outlines the necessary accommodations that colleges and universities must provide for students with disabilities.
  • AHEAD: Association of Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) Professional membership association for individuals committed to equity for persons with disabilities in higher education. Claremont McKenna College, a member of AHEAD utilizes the “Seven Essential Elements of Quality Documentation” as developed by the association as well as other resources to provide ongoing support.
  • AIM Portal: The Accessible Information Management Portal is the access point for students with disabilities to request and manage their accommodations.*For Summer 2020 requests and on*
  • Alternative Texts: Texts and resources that have been altered to allow for students with disabilities to access them. Examples include, audio texts, larger fonts, and image descriptions.
  • Assistive Technology: Assistive technology is technology or other devices used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Examples include text to speech and speech to text resources.
  • Diagnostician: A diagnostician is a trained professional capable of evaluating and diagnosing medical conditions and disabilities. Examples include psychiatrists, psychologists, and medical doctors.
  • Diagnostic Evaluation: A diagnostic evaluation is an evaluation used to diagnose a disability. It can include medical tests, psychological questionnaires, and other assessments.
  • Disability: The Americans with Disabilities Act defines disability as “with respect to an individual: (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment.” 42 U.S.C. § 12102(2). Disabilities may include, but are not limited to, learning differences or disabilities, physical and mobility impairments, sensory impairments, psychological disorders, and/or chronic health impairments.
  • Appropriate Documentation: Appropriate documentation must identify that you have a condition which substantially limits your performance in one or more major life activities. Different conditions require different types of documentation.
  • DOS: The Dean of Students Office (DOS) provides a variety of services and extracurricular programs, as well as being available for one-on-one support and assistance. The Assistant Dean of Accessibility Services and Academic Success, Kari Rood, is the point of contact for all students seeking and utilizing accommodations.
  • DSM-V: The DSM-V is the latest diagnostic manual used by doctors, clinicians, and therapists to diagnose people with disabilities. When seeking an accommodation, specifically for learning disabilities such as ADD/ ADHD, a DSM-V code and diagnosis should be included.
  • Emotional Support Animal: An animal that provides emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s qualified disability.
  • Equal Access: Guaranteed by the Americans With Disabilities Act, equal access ensures that students with disabilities will be provided the ability to access all aspects of social and academic life.
  • Functional Limitation: A substantial impact in an individual's ability to partake in a major life activity, with respect to the condition, manner, or duration of an activity.
  • Fundamental Alteration: A change that is so significant that it alters the essential nature of the class, services, or facilities offered.
  • Interactive Process: CMC considers each request on an individual basis. The accommodation process is a discussion between the student and the Assistant Dean for Accessibility Services and Student Success.
  • Learning Disability: Disabilities that affect the ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention.
  • Physical Disability: Physical condition that affects mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity.
  • Reasonable Accommodation: Modifications or adjustments to the tasks, environment that enable individuals with disabilities to have an equal opportunity to participate in an academic program.
  • SDRC: The SDRC (Student Disability Resource Center) is a 7C Resource dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals by providing accommodations, assisting in mediation between students and faculty and providing student focus workshops on topics such as time management and study skills.
  • Service Animal: A dog, or in some cases a miniature horse, that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Service animals do not require approval as an accommodation, but should be registered with the Dean Of Students Office in order to provide appropriate housing and dining arrangements.
  • Services of Personal Nature: Legal representation, secretarial services, personal aids, medical services, and transportation. Services of personal nature are not provided by colleges under the Americans With Disabilities Act.
  • Accessibility Services Email
    • Use for questions regarding accommodations, sending in documentation, note taking and/or testing questions
  • Assistant Dean of Accessibility Services Email
    • Use for requesting meetings, academic support, accommodation follow ups, or other personal matters
  • DOS Email
    • Use for general DOS questions or other questions you have about CMC and may not know where to go
  • SDRC Email (7C Resource Center)
    • Use for questions regarding note taking, assistive technology resources, or testing at the SDRC