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New Media Models for Civic Engagement: From Marconi to Snapchat

Tue, September 19, 2017
Dinner Program
Tracy Westen

From Marconi and AM radio to email, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, each new medium has changed the nature of politics and civic engagement. Yet in many ways our political knowledge and civic participation has decreased. Tracy Westen, founder and director of the Center Governmental Studies, will talk about why this has happened, and how can we revitalize our democracy through new media models of civic engagement.


Tracy Westen founded and directed the Center for Governmental Studies (CGS) and taught communications law and policy at the USC Annenberg School for Communications and UCLA Law School for over 30 years. He created four Blue Ribbon Commissions; built award-winning model websites to enhance civic education including The Democracy Network, Video Voter, California Channel, Digital Democracy and; litigated test cases on media in the federal courts; and authored or edited over 75 books and reports on media, democracy and judicial reforms. He was deputy director for consumer protection at the Federal Trade Commission and legal assistant to an FCC Commissioner.

He received degrees with high honors from U.C. Berkeley Law School (J.D.), University of Oxford (M.A.) and Pomona College (B.A.).

Professor Westen's Athenaeum presentation is co-sponsored by the Rose Institute of State and Local Government.

View Video: YouTube with Tracy Westen

Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum

Claremont McKenna College
385 E. Eighth Street
Claremont, CA 91711


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