The Soll Center for Student Opportunity

Career Services for Families

Welcome to Career Services @ the Soll Center for Student Opportunity! Our mission is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and resources to find meaningful opportunities for personal and professional growth, both while at CMC and after graduation. We strive to do this through individual coaching, customized programming, networking and opportunities for experiential learning.

Career Services is available to all CMC students and alumni! We are organized by "interest clusters" and students are welcome to make appointments with multiple coaches to assist in their exploration activities. Additionally, we have a robust first-year and transfer program that encourages students to understand all the many resources and tools available at Career Services and to discuss each student's individual career goals and plans while they are at college and beyond. It is never too early for students to take the initiative in preparing themselves for life after graduation.

Partner with Career Services

Parents are an invaluable resource for helping students find summer internships, particularly for their first-year and sophomore summers. Parents can make a real difference by using their personal and professional network to help connect students to possible opportunities. Here are some of the ways in which you can partner with our office:

Post a Job or Internship 

The Soll Center for Student Opportunity invites all parents to partner with us to create a pipeline of summer internships for first-years and beyond!

What qualifies as an internship at CMC?
•    A supervised experience with an employer at which the student will gain relevant training, experience and skills
•    Minimum of 8 weeks, 20 hours per week
•    Any US or international location (remote or in-person)
•    Paid or unpaid

What is the Sponsored Internship & Experience (SIE) Program at CMC?
SIE is a unique program to assist students in paying for the costs associated with completing a summer internship. It is not wage replacement. The program is funded by many generous donors who have provided gifts to the college and by the CMC research institutes and programs. In summer 2024, the SIE program funded 464 students who received an average fellowship award of $3,995.

How does the Soll Center help students find internships?
The Career Coaching staff at the Soll Center for Student Opportunity offer individual coaching appointments to help students identify their summer goals, search for suitable internship opportunities, network with members of the CMC community, create impactful application materials, and develop interviewing skills. We also encourage students to attend the many skills-building workshops that we offer throughout the academic year, as well as our 8-week summer career development program. Our Employer Relations team focuses on developing a pipeline of summer internship opportunities to which students can easily apply.

What programming do we offer to support recruitment on campus?

  • On-Campus/Remote Interviews: You can set up times to interview Claremont students on-campus or remotely.
  • Information Sessions: We offer employers the opportunity to speak with students about you and your organization. You can help students discover new career options and build a professional relationship.
  • Coffee Chats: Get to know students in small groups! Meet with 2-3 students at a time and discuss your company, role, and recruiting process. Career Services can handle all of the scheduling logistics for this event.
  • Attend an Industry Meet-Up or Panel Discussion: We have a number of events over the course of the year in which you can network and engage with students who are interested in employment opportunities.

If you know of an internship or full-time opportunity at either your place of employment or through your personal rolodex of connections or would like to be involved in any of our recruitment programming, please let us know. You can email Mia Trugerro to share your full contact details and she will be happy to set up a time to chat. If you have a specific opportunity available, please complete the brief Alumni & Family Job and Internship Posting Form.

Share your Career Insights with Students

Joining our Engage.CMC platform is a great way to share your insights and experience with students. When you register your CMC account, you can volunteer to help in any of the following ways:

  • Answering career and industry specific questions
  • Discussing graduate school
  • Offering general career and life advice
  • Opening doors at your workplace and to other connections
  • Hosting students during a networking trek to your place of work
  • Being a guest speaker or panelist
  • Participating in an industry meet-up
  • Interviewing prospective students

If you interested in volunteering for any of the above, please complete the Offering Help section of your Engage.CMC profile. For more information about how to register your Engage.CMC account, please refer to this useful guide.

Mentor Students

You can also volunteer to mentor students by joining our Engage.CMC platform and indicating in your profile if you would specifically like to mentor a current CMC student. Students who are looking for a mentor can search Engage.CMC to find their own mentor, based on shared interests and experiences as well as future career goals. You can specify on the platform the number of students you want to mentor at a time and, once connected with your mentee, you can meet via the platform or outside of it - whichever works for you! For more information about how to register your Engage.CMC account and a Mentoring FAQ, please refer to this useful guide.

Helping Your Student

We encourage you to have your student make an appointment with our office via Handshake. Additionally, please see the For Students page to help your student make the most of their experience at CMC! We have also developed presentations for recent Family Weekends, in which we share valuable information regarding important topics to discuss with your student, such as the recruitment process and timeline and the benefits of networking. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ursula Diamond.


Quick Resource Guides & References

The Soll Center for Student Opportunity provides many resources to help our students achieve their personal and professional goals. Below are a few of our most popular resources.

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