What We Do
Maintain the irrigation systems
Prune trees & shrubs
Blowing hardscape areas
Prepare BBQs for parties
Planting the color pockets
Planting shrubs and trees as needed
Supervise roof repairs & outside lighting
Many cleaning activities
Maintain landscaping at the President's house and other offices
Parking lot maintenance
Apply herbicides, pesticides & growth regulators
Selected pest control for trees and shrubs
Set up for Commencement and other campus events
Line the athletic fields
Mow the remaining grassy areas
And much more!!!
Grounds keeping FAQs
Does the grounds department lend tools?
Tools are not available to students from the grounds department. However, we would be more than happy to let you borrow hoses, water keys or extension cords.
I'm hosting a patio barbecue. Help!
Let the grounds department know at x72885. Submit a work order 3 days in advance and we will clean the patio, the barbecue grills and make sure that they are in working order.
There is a malfunctioning sprinkler; what should I do?
Please submit a work order and give a specific location so that it can be promptly repaired.
How do I recycle?
Located near each garbage dumpster are blue recycling containers. Please deposit recyclable items ONLY. No garbage please.
Items that can be recycled are:
Aluminum cans
Paper and cardboard boxes
Plastic products
Note: These items should be clean and contain no food.