Advice to Psychological Science Freshmen

- Get to know the professors in your department as soon as you can! They will be valuable sources of information regarding academic and career opportunities, and you may rely on them as future references when applying for scholarships/internships, graduate school, and jobs.
- Even if you are not sure whether you are interested in academic research, get involved in a research laboratory as early as your sophomore year. You will develop skills, such as programming, data analysis, and theory-based thinking that are transferable to a wide variety of careers. Should you decide research is the right path for you, starting in your sophomore year will give you time to present at research conferences in your junior year, and possibly to co-author a paper with a professor by your senior year.
- "Connect with other students in your class. It is easy to get caught up hanging out with the same group of friends, especially your freshman year, but it is important to remember to branch out. Make it a goal to meet at least one person in each of your classes and make an effort to meet with them outside of class to study or just for lunch. It is a great way to start building your network of connections that will be a crucial resource for your future." - Madeline Crawford '15
- "The CMC Psychological Science department is made up of amazing and insightful professors. Take advantage of the resource by building relationships with them outside of the classroom, either by helping with their ongoing research or meeting during office hours. They can serve as powerful mentors that give great advice when it comes to school and beyond." - Leslie Hall '13
- “You have two years to decide what major you want to do, and even more time after that to decide what you want to do with that major. Don't freak out about it! Breathe.” - LilyBelle Deer '15
- “The professors are incredibly supportive of your academic goals and aspirations. Get to know them outside the classroom, and they will do everything they can to help you achieve those goals. Although we know them as professors in the classroom, the faculty are also mentors that will provide you with continual encouragement and support.” - Laura Renfroe '14
- If you decide to study abroad, pursue a research project with one or more faculty members at your host university. Your department there might have a focus that is different from that of CMC, and it will benefit you to gain a unique perspective that you can bring back to your home institution. Also, if you mention going abroad in a scholarship/internship/graduate school application, it will sound great if you can say you had a distinct purpose for studying in the country that you chose.” --Justin Caouette ’08
- “Really take advantage of the internship scholarship and program grants that the school really just hands out. They have money to give so you should take it.” --Travis Halpern ’10
- "CMC has great opportunities for any major, even if some are not advertised as heavily. Get to know your professors because they will gladly point you towards your interests." -- Angela Vazquez ’09
- "Explore with GE courses before you settle down with a major."" --Allysa Rueschenberg ’10
- “It's totally fine if you have no idea what you want to major in when you start college (I was the same way) but nevertheless get involved in one of the research institutes on campus to gain some exposure to a field and how research is conducted. If after a semester or year you realize that institute is not the place for you, definitely move on. But it could end up being fantastic and potentially life changing. Jump in head first and give it a shot! I wish I had started earlier than I did.” --Anna Beninger ’09